Thursday, February 17, 2011

6 months...very old post

Ok so this post has been waiting to be posted for quite some time and so I'm sorry, but since this is my form of journaling, 6 months cannot be skipped...
Mr Boss aka Brox, has reached the age old age of 6 months, I can't hardly believe it. He's not due for his 6 month appointment for a week or so but he's at least 17 pounds~how do i know this you ask? We've officially been sick for the first time in his changed her first set of sheets that had been thrown up on as a mom and Brox spent the first full night back in our bed. Needless to say, little man has a cold and spent his half birthday celebrating with a fever followed with a doctor's appointment on Valentimes day~Happy Happy Valentines~

His coming home from the hospital outfit...a little tight yes?

For valentines we went to color me mine and decorated a plate with all our handprints

This is Brox's 6 month version of feeding himself

Meet whipped cream:)

Brox and Big Papa

Hola! Brox and Grandpa Barron

First jaunt to the pool! This is our dear friend Mikah who is about to brave the relatively scary local pool with us:)

1 comment:

  1. That is the cutest picture of Brox and Dad. You should have it printed for hims office:)
